About Us

OldWoodFabrik is a small company based in Aarhus, Denmark. It is a company dedicated to the repurposing and reuse of wood material, whilst creating unique handcrafted decorations.
Our journey started in 2018 inspired by our love and interest in wood craft. The idea for using old wood came prompted by the desire to find a new purpose for old wooden material and give it new life. Then in the beginning of 2020 OldWoodFabrik I/S was founded by Svilen Hristov and Dilyana Hristova.
We started to design different concepts and try different techniques of making candle holders, while figuring out how best to use old trees and wood. After a few months of prototyping and crafting, we came out with our own entirely unique product – square and round candle holders.
The designs are handcrafted and uniquely customised. Every piece comes with its own name based on its colour and the type of wood used for its making. Each design has a story behind it which gives every product in Oldwoodfabrik’s catalogue its own personality.
All the designs and woodwork are made by Svilen and Dilyana.